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Showing posts from November, 2019



Simulation and analysis of RC circuit in MATLAB

MATLAB SIMULATION OF SERIES RC CIRCUIT This will be divided into: Practical analysis Theoretical analysis Conclusion Circuit diagram of RC circuit Using the RC branch, with R = 1Ω and C=1000uF MATLAB SIMULATION WAVE FORMS Scope 2 Input voltage Current flowing in the circuit Voltage drop across the capacitor   Observing the wave form from scope2, we can see that the wave form of the current leads the wave form of the voltage by 90 0 . This is in line with the fact that  in pure capacitive circuit the current leads the voltage by an angle of 90 o and in a non-pure capacitive circuit by an angle < 90 0 . Scope 3 Voltage drop across the capacitor Voltage drop across the resistor   From scope3, we observe that the voltage across the capacitor (V C ) , is out of phase with the voltage across the resistor (V R ) by 90 0 . Where V C lags V R with V R and I in phase. THEORITICAL ANALYSI S Using the RC branch,...