What is Pyrolysis
Pyrolysis Products at various temperature ranges
Pyrolysis occurs at temperature ranges of about 350°C-800°C. Pyrolysis at lower temperatures produces solid, and at high temperatures, liquid is obtained. At very high temperatures, there is the production of gases. Below are the various products.
Temperature less than 450°C: Biochar is produced (solid residue with high carbon content for example charcoal, ash).
450°C < Temperature >700°C: Bio-oil is produced
Temperature ≥ 700°C: Syngas is produced (Syngas called synthesis gas is a mixture of gases such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane.
450°C < Temperature >700°C: Bio-oil is produced
Temperature ≥ 700°C: Syngas is produced (Syngas called synthesis gas is a mixture of gases such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane.
Remain connected. We shall see how to convert biomass in to electricity using the pyrolysis method. A practical illustration video will also be made available as soon as possible.
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